Stewards of God’s gifts
Jesus’ message to us about how we use our resources is one of the most challenging elements of the Gospel. The ministry of Stewardship is an invitation to take up this challenge. When we are generous, we acknowledge the abundance in our lives – and our confidence in God’s bounty. And when we give to St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church, we claim this community for our own with its rich heritage and its extraordinary potential.
‘For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.’
-Matthew 6:21
Pledging your support
A pledge is a commitment to give a certain amount of money each year to help St. Gregory’s pay its bills and pursue its mission. Most of the parish’s budget comes from pledges from parishioners. At St. Gregory’s, we encourage “proportional giving” – that is, considering what we give as a proportion of what we have or earn. The Bible states a specific hope to tithe – to give back to God one-tenth (10%) of what we have received. Many people are working toward tithing, and the national average of 2.6% of income may be a good place to start.
Giving a gift to a particular ministry
St. Gregory’s welcomes specific gifts to support its many ministries. Here are just a few opportunities:
¨ Children/Youth
¨ Food Bank
¨ Liturgy
¨ Feed My Lambs
¨ Outreach
¨ Music
¨ Welcome/Hospitality
Please indicate the ministry you wish to support in the Memo line on your check.
Supporting the work of the clergy
The clergy has discretionary funds they use confidentially to help those in need. Your offering to this fund allows our clergy to respond to those in particular need, to build up the Kingdom of God here on earth, and to fund new mission initiatives.