Adult Christian Formation Programs

Adult Christian education forums and classes are held periodically throughout the year, particularly during the Advent and Lenten seasons.  Information about up coming classes are posted in the Sunday bulletin and the weekly email news update.  Suggestions for classes and forums should be given to the Rector.  Adults interested in facilitating a class or forum are welcome to talk with the Rector to set up the program.

Adult Inquirer Class

The Rector hosts an annual Inquirer’s Class for new members of the congregation who want to know more about the faith and practice of the Episcopal Church. Those who complete the class can be presented for the Sacrament of Confirmation, Reception into the Episcopal Church or Reaffirmation of Faith when the Bishop makes his or her annual visit to the congregation. The schedule for the next class will be posted in the Sunday bulletin and the weekly email news update.


Thursday Morning Bible Study with the Rector

The Rector hosts a regular program of study and discussion after the Thursday morning Holy Eucharist and Healing Service.   The class begins at 11:00am and concludes by 12:00p.m.  The class meets in the Fireside Room.


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