New Supper Clubs are formed in September for the coming year at St. Gregory’s.  Supper Clubs meet monthly with members each bringing part of the meal – such as salad, desert, etc.  Also, everyone brings their favorite beverage to share.  It is an easy and inexpensive way to entertain a group.  It’s a wonderful way to get to know one’s fellow parishioners in a friendly, low-key way.


We have a Junior Supper Club for families with children which meets monthly in Francis Hall at the Church.   Please call Tamara Benedict at 562 493-5544 for more information.


We also have the Senior Supper Club which meets monthly in different members’ homes.    Please call Shirley DeMent at 562 421-5052 for more information.


Episcopal Church Women

All women of the church are members of ECW. An open board meeting is held in the morning of the first Thursday of each month September through June at 10:45 a.m. Members and visitors may attend the Holy Eucharist and Healing Service prior to the meetings.

The meetings are held to organize and coordinate the activities of the various guilds. Following the meeting, we have time to enjoy a quick lunch and get to know each other.

The Holly Faire is the primary fundraising event sponsored by the ECW. Proceeds of the fundraiser goes to outreach programs and building improvements. We also sponsor the annual Mother/Daughter dinner. This is just a sample of what we do. Come visit and stay.

For more information, call the church office at (562) 420-1311.
Chairperson: Jeane Hopkins

Men’s Fellowship

Our mission is to challenge and equip men to honor Jesus, love our families, and serve our church and community. Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Fireside Room.

St. Gregory’s Softball Team

St. Gregory’s Softball Team is a coed team with a minimum age of 13 years old, and is sponsored by the South Coast Interfaith Council. Participants enjoy fun and fellowship, including barbecues and pizza parties after the games. The team has hosted the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper for many years. We have also hosted Third Sunday breakfasts. Join us for Saturday afternoon and evening slo-pitch games in the summer months against other local churches. The games schedule is posted in the Sunday bulletin and weekly email update  during softball season.

60 Miniute Ministry

Could you spare 1-2 hours each month?  St. Gregory’s could use you!

-shop or fill grocery bags for the Food Bank

– set up and serve food for Feed My Lambs

– provide cookies or set up/clean up for coffee hour or parish events

– weed a garden

We are looking for volunteers who can’t spare a lot of time, but are willing to donate 60 minutes a month to St. Gregory’s ministry.  It’s a quick and easy way to make a difference.





Bag groceries for the Food Bank

Monday – Thursday: 9 am – 12 pm

Sunday: 8 am – 12 pm

Bill Eldon Church Office 562-420-1311

Cashier – Christian Cove

2nd Sunday: 9 am – 10 am

Shirley DeMent 562-421-5052

Parish Work Party

3rd Saturday: 9:00 am– 11:30

Ron Dixon 562-544-7023

Prepare lunches (Feed My Lambs)

Friday before 1st Saturday: 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Ann Ruffner 562-430-0877 or Lurlie Edgecomb 562-598-1458

Prepare Welcome Bags & Folders

Flexible (Monday – Thursday, Sunday)

Church Office 562-420-1311

Share a ride for church services

Sunday 8 am or 10 am service

Cheryl Rodi 562-420-1311

Stuff Pews with visitor cards and pens

Flexible (Monday – Thursday, Sunday)

Church Office 562-420-1311


Transport & serve lunches (Feed My Lambs)

1st Saturday 7:30 am – 10 am

Ann Ruffner 562-430-0877 or Lurlie Edgecomb 562-598-1458


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